Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Which Resources to use for Marketing

I recently had a conversation with someone (Bob) about marketing. Bob said he neglected his twitter account because he had very few followers. I was later inspired to write something about general marketing (not specifically twitter). 
   If the question is "Which resources should I use for marketing?" the quick answer is "All those you can afford". Which means that a few non web resources such as posters, business cards, full page ads, if that's in your budget. For those on tight budgets the web still offers a lot of options. Websites, Blogs, Social sites (facebook, myspace), Twitter, et al.
   These resources are great places to make known to the world that you exist and that you are offering services. But only if you use them. You must keep up on blogging and tweeting and posting in all the mediums to make sure that  when someone is looking for you, that you can be found!. I put that in bold because it's important. Do not stop tweeting or posting information on a regular basis (at least weekly) because you have few or no followers. When someone finally does find your posts, you want to seem like you've been around for a while and are established. not that you just started 2 days ago, or that you neglect your marketing for 6 months at a time.  In time you will gain more followers and readers. But the value of these mediums is not in the numbers of followers, it is in appearing to be an active member when someone looks for your services.
   The other thing to note is that anything you are using as a marketing tool is usually a good tool to gather information as well. Twitter offers great resources about everything from photography to business development. So do not think of these mediums as one way loud speakers. Search them for useful insights and ideas, then link and talk about those ideas and insights yourself! This creates crosslinks, backlinks, retweets and all sorts of things which make you much more visible. This is your goal!
   So remember; if it's free, take advantage of it. Anything you are using to broadcast on the web is being used by others and popularity / visibility is affected by the amount of cross-communication between accounts/websites.

In short: Start a blog. Get a twitter account. Open a myspace page. If it's free, do it.
Then tweet about your blog. blog about your tweet, tweet  and blog about other blogs and tweets which you find interesting and useful.
Include a link to all of your marketing streams at the bottom of your emails, and on each stream.

the bad:
I have skipped over mentioning websites specifically, but note that if it's free, do it.
I have also neglected a lot of the 'cheap but not free' options which I will go into at a future time when something inspires me to explain it again. :-)

Thank you for reading, and good luck.

1 comment:

  1. I was inspired and my twitter account now matches my website and blog, has a more professional bio and will be updated more often! Thank you for all your help!
